Hello Little People keep kids bouncing

Hundreds of children have spent the past week bouncing around the living room, joining in with the antics of the island’s smallest theatre company.

Michelle James and Chloe Shimmin, from ’Hello Little People’, held a daily, half-hour online interactive theatre workshop, entitled ’The School of Little People’ all through last week, where children could watch and join in with the dances for free.

Buoyed on by Chloe and Michelle’s relentless and bouncy energy, kids across the island found themselves dressing up as sheep, rummaging through the washing for the smelliest sock they could find, singing about crabs and taking part in many of the sketches that have made the duo popular with most little people.

’During this really tricky time for children and parents, we wanted to do something to help,’ said Michelle.

’As soon as the lockdown was announced, we got our thinking caps on and decided to launch The School of Little People.

’Free daily workshops were delivered via Zoom to bring joy to children and families across the island.

’We had an incredible response, with more than 300 families signing up to join us.’

Michelle and Chloe aim to follow up the success of the School of Little People workshops, and hold a further workshop every Friday.

’Funky Friday is free to take part in and you can join in by signing up at www.hellolittlepeople.com

Words: Isle of Man Newspaper

Read the full article here

After launching School of Little People during March 2021 lockdown, Hello Little People run School of Little People Holiday Workshops. Click the button below to find out more.


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